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The Institute for Collegiate and Career Studies is a very special place. While students gain skills in academics, independent living, and vocational experience, they also learn character education, respect for their surroundings, and the importance of giving back. As the Director of the Institute, I have the pleasure of watching our students develop into confident young adults, who are not only prepared for the future, but who understand the importance of making a difference in the community. Additionally, I work with a valuable set of team members whose experience and expertise benefit both our students and the program as a whole. Not only does our staff have their own special talents to offer, but they foster a level of interdependence among them that is part of our program’s success.

At the Institute for Collegiate and Career Studies, every student is an individual and therefore, an individualized program is a must. What makes the Institute different is that there is a program for everyone, regardless of interests and abilities. We offer courses to enhance independence such as Finance and Budgeting, Reading Comprehension, Occupational Studies, Internet Safety, and Environmental Science. Students who have found their niche can take both online certificate programs and community college courses toward a degree. Nowhere else will young adults gain such an intensive education where they can reach their highest potential.

How to Apply

Complete the application and email the information listed below to: admissions@maplebrookschool.org.