July 5, 2023


Schools are places of routine.  Our start of school “jolt to the system” has  receded and the regularity of school life has offered a sense of security to students and staff alike.  The very best schools offer a sense of comfort and familiarity accentuated by frequent moments of excitement. These take a variety of forms: a particularly motivating lesson, challenging topic or new experience. This is how the past three weeks have defined life at Maplebrook.  There is a buzz that surrounds our school, eyes light up in classrooms and laughter between friends permeates every corner of the campus.  Our regularity has set in and it’s a privilege to be a part of it everyday.

Educating children is a partnership between school and families. Both have important roles and when we work in tandem, I believe student achievement is maximized.  At Maplebrook, we embrace partnership, value involvement, and encourage families to be a part of their student’s educational journey.  With this in mind, we are excited for our Fall Family Weekend.  Earlier, you received information about our 75th Anniversary Gala and in this message I am attaching more information regarding conferences with faculty/staff and on campus events.  Next week, you will receive an email with your meeting times and locations and we are happy to answer any questions you may have.

We hope you will be able to attend the festivities for Fall Family Weekend to not only enjoy your students, but to connect with each other, get to know the amazing staff dedicated to our students and to embrace the buoy of hope that is a Maplebrook experience.