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Maplebrook School serves students with low to below average cognitive ability and complex learning disabilities such as expressive and receptive language disorders, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, executive functioning, auditory processing disorder and other attention-based learning differences. The program is coeducational and accepts students age 11-18 for the Academy Program and 18-21 for the Institute for Collegiate and Career Studies.

Through individualized planning, faculty use a variety of technological methods to emphasize multi-sensory teaching, whereby the student will be assisted in reaching his/her academic potential. Students must have a minimum IQ of 70 and be willing to make a commitment to their academic and vocational work in spite of learning differences. The Institute is not a therapeutic program and is not equipped to work with students who have a primary emotional or social diagnosis.

Students are interviewed throughout the year. Since vacancies are limited, parents are encouraged to begin the process as early as possible by sending completed admissions materials for review. Late enrollment is permitted if vacancies exist, due to a rolling admission policy. Early application for September is highly recommended.

Should you wish to receive an admissions package, please contact the Admissions Office at (845) 373-9511 ext. 247 to discuss your student’s needs, or fill out and submit the online inquiry form.  Before the required interview and visit, the Admissions Office must receive the following information:

  • Completed no fee Application For Admission
  • Latest [neuro] psychological and educational battery (within 3 years), including the WISC/WAIS
  • Academic achievement data (Woodcock-Johnson, KTEA, WIAT, etc.) including grade equivalents
  • School Records/Transcript
  • Medical/social reports containing information necessary for your youngster’s well-being.
  • Other pertinent information may be requested by the Admissions Office.

Once the above materials are reviewed, a visit to the school and interview will be scheduled.  The Admissions Office will contact you to set up an appointment.  The visits are scheduled Monday – Friday and include a student-guided tour of the campus.

Maplebrook School embraces diver­sity and values the integrity of the indi­vid­ual. Indi­vid­ual differ­ences of reli­gion, culture, socioe­co­nomic status, national origin, race, ethnic­ity, biolog­i­cal sex, gender iden­tity, gender expres­sion, sexual orien­ta­tion, phys­i­cal appear­ance, and ability are acknowl­edged and respected. Every member of the commu­nity strives to behave in a sensi­tive, open, and respectful manner.

maplebrook school leader

This is our daughter’s 3rd year at The Institute and we’re so pleased with her independence, maturity, and overall growth. We looked at many schools before choosing The Institute. This school seemed more dedicated to the end result of independence and job skills after graduation.
Denise S., Parent

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