July 5, 2023


Good evening.

I hope everyone is still healthy and doing well during these unprecedented times. We have had great success for the first two weeks of the Distance Learning Program and on behalf of all of us at Maplebrook, we thank you for your support through the entire process. The feedback we have been receiving is that this was just what the doctor ordered for your students.

While consistency is a wonderful tool for our students and with the COVID-19 situation accompanied by not knowing when we will all return to campus, we anticipated that the program we developed could use some sprucing up. With this in mind, we are launching Phase 2 of the Distance Learning Program next week. It will be more of a project-based, experiential learning model and the students will have more of a multisensory approach to their learning. We feel this will keep the students’ interest and allow for a new level of creativity from our talented faculty/staff. Please be patient when your student is raiding the garage or the kitchen cupboards – it may be necessary “for school”!

Additionally, we recognize that there are some parts to the Distance Learning Program that need some attention. We are adding a social/emotional learning (SEL) component that will encompass social skills, mindfulness and executive functioning. We are also adjusting the Career Exploration portion for the ICCS students to incorporate some of the SEL programming. Finally, we are mapping out a different type of community service that encompasses helping more around your home.

In order for Phase 2 to be student-ready, we have designated Monday, April 20 as a professional staff development day so that our faculty have some time to put the final touches on their projects. Your students will still have regularly scheduled classes as always, except for the Academy seniors who will be taking the writing exam. The administrative staff will be substituting so that the faculty have this valuable planning and collaborative opportunity. Once Tuesday arrives and we officially begin Phase 2, If there are changes to your student’s schedule, they will be sent by Mr. Miller (ICCS) and Mr. Ferrusi (Academy). For any questions about Phase 2, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, I cannot thank you enough for your support in this new educational endeavor. The creativity and positive wave that has overcome our new Maplebrook cyber-universe makes me proud to lead this amazing school.

Be well,

Jenn Scully